Learn more about using MRD in practice from leading experts
As treatments for hematological malignancies become more effective, the need for more sensitive testing arises.
Listen to experts from across the globe presenting data and discussing the latest developments in MRD measurement.
The views and opinions expressed in these presentations specific to clinical judgements and decision making are those of the individual speaker.
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EMN Online Meeting 2021
Application of Immunosequencing for Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Determination
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EHA ALL Online Meeting 2021
Real-World Experience in Acute Lymphoblascic Leukemia (ALL) and COVID-19
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EHA CLL Online Meeting 2021
MRD: Real-World Experience in the Management of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Patients
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ESH Multiple Myeloma Online Meeting 2020
Presenting Multiple Myeloma: Toward the Implementation of MRD in Clinical Practice and discussing the value of MRD as a clinical endpoint:
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ESH CLL Online Meeting 2020
Talking about the utilization of MRD assessment in the clinical management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients:
Watch nowControversies in Multiple Myeloma (COMy) Online Meeting 2020
Dr. IIan ‘Lanny’ Kirsch, Dr. Bruno Paiva, Dr. Karthik Ramasamy
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Dr. Lanny Kirsch, Senior Vice President of Translational Medicine at Adaptive Biotechnologies, on the prognostic values of MRD in Multiple Myeloma (MM)
Dr. Bruno Paiva, University of Navarra, on the relevance of depth of response and sustained MRD negativity in Multiple Myeloma (MM)
Dr. Karthik Ramasamy, Consultant Hematologist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, on managing Multiple Myeloma (MM) in real world practice: How can MRD inform treatment decisions?
The clonoSEQ Assay B-Cell Reagent Set is CE marked as an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) for assessing the MRD status and changes in disease burden during and after treatment in B-Cell malignancies in DNA extracted from blood and/or bone marrow samples.
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